About us

Here a Gymbird we all have something in common -
We live for helping you achieve your goal!

I got into fitness in 2004 after a knee injury led me to gain a substantial amount of weight.

I was overweight, unfit, uncomfortable and if I’m honest, suffering with depression. I ate when I was sad, I ate when I was happy and the calories I consumed or what I was actually eating never crossed my mind.

I discovered a personal trainer online and within weeks I was hooked. My first session I couldn’t even fast walk on the treadmill but

here I am 4 stone later and a workout addict.

I’m now a mum to my beautiful baby girl, Lola, and married to my childhood sweetheart, Luke. We live happily with our two dogs, Arnie and Pig, in Liverpool.

Exercise and eating better allowed me to finally have the energy to find my happiness. It really works. I’m not saying it always works first time, or you’ll find happiness in 21 days, but you’re giving yourself a good shot.

The Team

Tess - Pilates Instuctor

Hi I’m Tess.
I’ve been in to fitness for 10 years but have recently moved in to teaching Pilates.
I’m qualified in mat & reformer pilates and I absolutely love training pilates alongside heavy weights.
I’m a mum of one and know how important it is to have some you time, even if it is that hour in the gym, once a day, once a week whatever it may be- so I’m all about making that hour feel like you’re really working for it!
Hopefully see you on the mat soon, and in the near future the reformers!

Anthony – TheSoulYogi - Trainer
Sian - Trainer

Hi! I’m Sian
I’ve been a PT for what feels like 20 years but is really only 5. I love what I do, I love to make my girls feel like the best possible version of themselves. I’ve got three little girls myself so believe me when I say I get it. Life’s a million miles an hour mine is absolutely chocker, but I just cannot wait to help you all smash your goals and get it done, together ?

Dan - Trainer

Hi, My name is Dan Feeney, I am a CrossFit Coach and the Owner of FeeneyFitness!

After completing my qualifications I wanted to show people that a young person can run a business and motivate an inspire the youth!

I own my own academy for kids at different age groups to get into fitness from age 4 up while also coaching a number of individuals through their Fitness/ CrossFit journey.

My goal is to make CrossFit available to everyone, all ages and ability’s whether it is at home or in a gym !!!

Ro - Customer 1-1 support
Ciara - Trainer

Hey guys! I am Ciara. Mum of two, full-time beautician and part-time fitness instructor.

I only started my journey into the fitness industry during lockdown when my work was limited and I had some more time. I teach lots of Les Mills style classes including: Body Attack, Body Pump and Combat. Hope you enjoy the Body Combat!

Vicky Tam - Trainer

Hey! I’m Vicky. Local personal trainer, mummy to 3 (including two teenagers – help me!) and of recent years fitness fanatic. My journey into fitness started after my third baby. Struggling with my post-natal body, lack of self-confidence and wanting to feel strong I decided to start… somewhere.

To be honest, I got very committed. I was fed up of how I felt and just decided to do it. At first I felt it, then my clothes got too big, then everyone commented and all of a sudden doing a gym workout or even walking into a gym wasn’t overwhelming anymore. I am so proud of what I’ve achieved and it’s so good when you do it that now I want to share that feeling with as many people as possible.


I train PT clients part-time from my home gym, including the Gymbird HQ gals and Hat herself. I am a kettlebells fanatic so I hope you enjoy my sessions and feel free to message me or tag me in your stories @vickytamfitness ❤️

Katie - Run Club

I’m Katie & I started Gymbird in Oct 2020 and I haven’t looked back since! Since joining Gymbird I’ve been on such a journey and it’s helped me get into such a better place with my body, mind & relationship with food/diet culture.

Most importantly though, I have met some amaaazing women who have become friends for life, and that’s truly the best thing about the challenge.

I fell in love with running during lockdown and after (drunkenly) signing up for a half-marathon I’ve had the running bug ever since!

Jen - Run Club

Hi, I’m Jenn!

I’m 38, a mobile hairdresser with 2 beautiful children and I am on my own Gym Bird journey. I have struggled with weight and fitness for years but now is the time to concentrate on me. Join me for the beginners group at running club on Wednesdays.

Jess - Run Club

Hey, I’m Jess and I’ve been doing the Gymbird challenge since Harriet started out in the first lockdown on Instagram. Nearly two years later I’ve made friends for life, got fitter and learnt so much along the way. I met Katie and Jenn on the challenge and we became besties and Katie and I ran a half marathon in 2021. We love a run, but also love a wine (oh and our gorgeous dogs).


Hey I am Pre & Post-Natal Hatha Yoga Trained instructor with a passion for woman’s health. After being pregnant with my daughter I decided to specialise in pre and post-natal to help support women with pregnancy and beyond.

Jessie - Trainer

Trainee nurse,  Jess is living proof that the 21 Day Challenge really works. In May 2020, Jess was one of the 250 people who signed up to do Hat’s first ever challenge. After becoming a 21 Day addict, our Jess caught Gym Bird’s eye and from there her fitness instructor training began.

Fast forward a few months and November 2020 saw Jess take on her new role as ‘Baby Bird’. An incredibly talented new instructor, Jessie is our pocket rocket of energy sure to give you the push you need to get through that 45 minutes.

Jess is still continuing with her degree but who knows what the future holds for our ‘Baby Bird’.

Vicky - Trainer

My names Vicky PT and I’ll be your body tone coach  and Hiit & Tone coach ????
Ive been a qualified personal trainer and fitness instructor for 10 years. I’ve won best female
Fitness instructor for 2 years running while also being a finalist as best female personal
Trainer. I’m also a UK master trainer for hiitstep. I have a young son who’s 12 so juggling my love of being a mum and my passion for health and fitness is something I’ve successfully been able to do l. With most of my clients also being busy mums i know with the right routine it’s something that you can do too. My passion is helping people become a better version of themselves inside and out and there’s no better feeling than helping someone overcome everything that limits themselves to being happy and shining from the inside out ? I love what I do and truely believe that workouts need to be fun and you have to enjoy doing them to stick at as a long term lifestyle change. That’s why I promise that all my sessions are fun and something that you’ll look forward to while seeing the changes you want with me along your fitness journey.
I can’t wait to get started with you ?

Vicky ?? xox

Jess - Nutrition

Hi there lovelies – I’m Jess! I am an Associate Nutritionist with a Masters in Human Nutrition and also work as a Personal Trainer. My journey began working with mums and families around the world, helping in any way possible whether it was for emotional support, exercise and or nutrition. I am a huge supporter of women and making sure we all get the time we deserve for ourselves!

I have worked with thousands of women, debunking the dieting mindset and focusing on promoting a mindset based around nourishment and science-based facts. I want to make sure you are all educated in your own unique bodies and feel comfortable within yourself. Particular concerns I tend to focus on are hormonal imbalances with symptoms such as; weight gain, fatigue, depression, low sex drive, anxiety, PCOS, menopause, diabetes, restless sleep and many more…

No one should feel hungry so let’s work together to beat the cravings and focus on feeling healthy! Happy to help with consultations, action plans, meal plans and 1-2-1 support!

Sara - Gymbird Eats

I’m Sara, I’ve been a Gym Bird for a year now and I love all things cooking and finding tasty treats that fit into my lifestyle.

Ever since I can remember I’ve been a serial binge eating denier and yo-yo dieter but finding the Gym Bird challenge has allowed me to come to terms with it and look at ways to promote a healthy future for myself.

I’m one of two content creators on @gymbirdeats on Instagram, where we post low-calorie meals, treats but also advice on how to live life whilst trying to look at what you eat.

I’m also over at @sazloueats if you want any extra meal ideas! I’m 100% on this journey with you, through the highs and lows, we got this!

Anna - Child Development & Education

Hi my name is Anna; I am married and have 2 girls who are both nearly as tall as me!
I am from a massive, close knit family (my Dad’s one of 11) so have always been around kids and their trials and tribulations.
I trained in education and child development and have been working with children and families for nearly 15 years. I’ve worked with 100s of children and their parents aged 0-16 and have helped them deal with some of the most difficult times in their lives; overcoming problems standing in the way of a happy and healthy family life.
I’m made up to become part of the Gymbird team and hope to help you Gymbird parents with anything that you’re struggling with, with your kids, that sees you reaching for that bottle of wine or chocolate that takes you over your cals!!
Loads of love Anna x

Rachael - Skin Care Expert

Hey Honey’s! I’m Rachael off of the Fresh Face Company here in Liverpool. I have been in the beauty industry on and off for 13 years and set up my own skincare business 3 years ago. I have an online beauty supply website as well as doing in clinic treatments – when we are actually allowed to live our normal lives!

After suffering with acne my ENTIREEEE life I am passionate and dedicated to helping transform others peoples skin and the results I’ve achieved with them have been mind blowing!

I eat, sleep, breath all things skin and will be with you for Self Care Sundays.
Let’s get GLOWING baby!! Xx

Ellie - Trainer

Hello lovely people, I’m Ellie Newby. I’m a Yoga Teacher and Physiotherapist.

Like you, I enjoy looking after my body; I would jog, go to the gym, do HIIT classes, but I never really felt like I had given my body and mind time to recover (and if I did, it would usually involve wine!). I would often find myself injured and this would affect my motivation and mood to continue exercising. That was until I found Yoga. Through my clinical practice as a Physiotherapist, I have gained a strong understanding about the human body and always knew I needed to incorporate stretches into my weekly schedule. Alas, I tried Yoga! But it’s so much more than just ‘stretches’…

Yoga is a chance to unwind, escape and enjoy that very moment on the mat. It’s a chance to leave the outside world, to clear the mind from worries and to focus on what is actually important to you. It helps prevent injuries by increasing strength and flexibility, it builds body heat, boosts metabolism, helps digestion, reduces stress (honestly, the list goes on!).

For me, Yoga is a balance between strength and flexibility of the mind and body. After your busy week, I would like to invite you to join me on the mat to unwind, focus and recharge, ready for the new week ahead!

Grace - Massuse

I have worked as a masseuse for over 4 years. I found my passion for massage when I decided to take a holistic approach to my life. Massage is all about body maintenance, relaxation, stress & pain relief. I want my clients to feel the highest sense of well-being when coming for a massage to promote a healthy and positive lifestyle.

Types of massage available:

Aromatherapy – A lighter massage that blends a carrier oil with essential oils. During your massage you inhale these essential oils and absorb them through you skin, benefiting from their many healing properties. Each massage is tailored to the individual. Aromatherapy helps to promote sleep quality, whilst reducing stress and anxiety.

Deep tissue – Unlike other massages that focus on relaxation deep tissue is used to treat musculoskeletal issues, such as strains and injuries. This technique involves constant sustained pressure to target the inner layers of your muscles. Improving muscle pain and stiffness.

Swedish – A classic massage that can be both relaxing and energising. Its technique involves a lot of light, rhythmic, tapping strokes on the top layers of the muscles. Swedish is more gentle than deep tissue massage and better suited for people interested in relaxation and tension relief. Swedish massage is beneficial for pain management, increased flexibility, muscle injuries and stress relief.

£21 for 30 mins

£35 for 60 mins

Clare - Trainer

Hi I’m Clare and I am a fitness instructor. As well as this, I am a Secondary PE Teacher and have been teaching for 6 years! I am passionate about health and fitness and making people feel happy and healthy. There is no ‘one class suits all’ when it comes to exercise so I try my best to find that class that keeps you motivated, one workout at a time!

I teach Power Step and Boxercise on the 21 Day Challenge which are two high tempo and energetic classes to music! We all know how busy our weeks can get and how hard it is to get our steps in when we’re working so why not join me for some fun stress relief, get your steps up and burn some serious calories to your favourite tunes! 

What are you waiting for?! Let’s get going!

Rikki - Trainer

Hi, my name is Rikki and I’ve been a qualified Personal Trainer for over 5 years.

After completing an honours degree in Nutrition & Health I became obsessed with physical performance and holistic health, ultimately leading to me becoming a personal trainer.

My aim is to improve the athletic performance and overall health of each and every person that I work with.

I teach ‘Power Yoga’ which is a workout that will improve your mobility, balance, co-ordination and strength.

See you on the mat!

Alyson - Trainer

Heres a medium scale catfish pic…

Hello, im Alyson! I am a mum of one and work (almost) full time as a High Intensity CBT therapist.

Before having my little girl, I hammered the gym, had a very active lifestyle and lashed food down my neck like a human dustbin! Fast forward to parenthood and thinks naturally changed. I was really struggling with my training, couldn’t get a grip of my diet and my general motivation was rock bottom. I wasnt happy, didn’t feel like myself and knew i needed a serious kick up the backside! I decided to join the Gymbird challenge and it was honestly the best thing i did!!!

I have a few random qualifications, one of them being ‘exercise to music’. After sending Harriet a vid of some step routine ideas, she Facetimed me and asked me to join the team – i was shook….I don’t really remember the convo after that, but i agreed! So here i am, and i cant quite believe it! xxx


Hi I’m Hannah Hilton and I’ve been an Osteopath for 7 years. As an Osteopath I look at your body as a whole and try and see why you are getting particular symptoms and what you can do to reduce and prevent them.

Most of the time we fall into bad habits. We don’t move enough – or when we do, we do it too quickly. All of these can make you prone to injury and that’s the last thing we want when we’ve finally made the decision to get fit and paid our £21. Trust me I’ve been there with my achey knees, taking days out and crying to Hat to make the jumping stop!

The challenge might be a bit of a shock to the system with 21 days of high intensity, but try your best, perfect your technique and do your stretches!

The Body Clinic

Hi, we are Faye and Hollie!

Two sisters who found a love for Pilates through our clinical professions, Faye being a physiotherapist and Hollie a Podiatrist, and together we wanted to share that love with our clients! We were amazed at how this low impact conditioning exercise can help strengthen the core, leg & arm muscles, improve flexibility & restore muscle balance in the body.
We offer mat, small equipment and HITT based Pilates classes along with relaxation and meditation at the end of every class. We LOVE to theme our classes varying from Motivational Monday, Workout Wednesday to Rise & Stretch Saturday, we try to make our classes fun, energetic and challenging.

Faye also specialist in antenatal and postnatal Pilates for new and expecting mummies! If you would like to find out more, message us on Instagram or visit our website!

We hope to see you on the mat soon!

Ben - Trainer

My name is Ben Crawley and I have been working within the fitness industry for 6 years working with a range of different clients; from day 1 beginners to elite athletes. I am about paying forward the lessons I have learnt through combat sports and fitness, in both the mental and physical aspect. I will push all my clients to achieve their respective goals and open the doors for them to become the strongest version of themselves!




Hey I’m Rachael, I head up Belly. I have been working with pre natal women for 4 years, delivering hypnobirthing and antenatal programmes. I stepped our offering up to a full wellbeing programme 2 years ago, we provide pre and post natal fitness, breastfeeding and mental health support.

Working with Pre and Post Natal women literally lights me up. It will forever fascinate me. No matter how big or small we are to someone’s pregnancy journey, we value and nurture all our mums individually.

R x

Gem - Customer 1-1 support

Our glamour puss Gem is your go to for all support and questions. Having a bad day? Unsure on anything? Gem’s full-time role here at Gym Bird HQ is to make sure you feel good and have the support you need.

Over the past few years, our Gem has lost nearly 5 stone under the watchful eye of our Gym Bird. She is proof that you can feel fitter, stronger and more confident without giving up everything you love.

Gem loves a rosé and still loves meals out with the girls.

Millie - Check-in and tracking management

Currently in uni studying Accounting, Millie makes sure the numbers always add up with your weigh-ins. Mil is our general sergeant here in the office and makes sure we all behave.

Prosecco’s biggest fan, Millie loves a night out. She’s also learned how to calorie track properly since joining the team, so makes sure her booze always fits into her calories. An art in itself!


She’s also Harriet’s sister, so now you know where baby Lola gets her ginger locks.



Are you ready to change your life?!